Arum Italicum

WARNING: Italian arum is extremely invasive in some areas, such as Oregon, and nearly impossible to get rid of.
It doesn't help that all parts of it are poisonous to the touch. See the Missouri Botanical Gardens page for more info.

June 8, 2014:

April 27, 2015:

Arum italicum/Italian arum produces deep green leaves that persist through winter but
go dormant in the summer, which is fine since then we don't have to water them.

It sends up a flower stalk in the spring covered with small creamy-white flowers.
The flowers are later replaced by bright orange berries that persist through summer and fall.

Divide clumps of arum every three years in the summer when the plants are dormant.
Dig up and separate the corms and then replant them at the proper spacing.


    All parts of the arum are toxic.
    The corms produce oxalate crystals, a substance that can cause skin irritation.
    Wear gloves when handling the corms or plants.